If you’re anything like me, you want to follow the Bible, especially the words in red print where Jesus was talking. If you’re also like me, sometimes there are biblical phrases and “Christianese” expressions that can confuse you. One such phrase could be when Jesus calls us to be “fishers of men.”
Preachers love to call this phrase out from the pulpit, quoting Mark 1:17 where Jesus himself said, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”
But we can’t literally fish for people. What are we supposed to do with that?
Whenever I am confused by a passage, I first look at the context surrounding it. Taking a look at the few verses before this one, we can understand more.
Jesus is walking up to two fishermen, who were about to throw their fishing nets into the water.
I love how Jesus always seems to meet people where they are and speaks to them in a way they can understand.
Those two fishermen did not go to school, so they wouldn’t necessarily understand educated speech. They did not go to the temple often, so wouldn’t know expressions used by the religious leaders.
This tells me that no matter your career, education, or understanding, Jesus is calling you to go and follow Him.
So these two fishermen were doing their regular, everyday jobs when Jesus came to them and called them to come to follow Him with an analogy they would have understood.
They would have known better than anyone what Jesus was asking them to do. But what is He asking us to do?
In this post I am going to dive deep into this question. What did Jesus mean when he said to become a “fisher of men.” I believe he meant four things specifically.
Side Note: I have a passion to help Christians learn to connect with God. I created a free bundle of resources including an ebook on Hope, a pdf on hearing God’s voice, and 10 of my sermons. If you would like that free resource bundle, you can grab that over here.

1. Cast Our Nets
As a fisherman would cast his net out into the water, Jesus was asking them to cast the gospel message out to people and try to catch men’s hearts.
Fishing is unpredictable. There is no guarantee of reward. It requires patience and risk.
In faith, the fishermen would throw their nets into the deep water, letting it sink into the lake out of sight, hoping the reward for their efforts would be a catch.
Fish will not jump into the boat. Fishers must search for them and take a risk by throwing their nets into the water after them.
Could they possibly go through a bunch of work and never get a single fish? Absolutely. This happened multiple times in Scripture. But the risk was worth the reward.
In the same way, this is our model for evangelism. We take the story of Christ and the message of what He has done for us, and we speak it out into the world around us.
Can we always see under the surface and know if the message is working? No. Do we sometimes share the gospel and see no response? Yes, it happens all the time.
Like fishing, speaking out the gospel is a risk. Sometimes people will get saved, and other times they won’t. I’ve had moments when I shared the gospel with a crowd, and 50 people came forward to give their lives to Jesus. I have had other times when I shared, and not a single person responded.
Is the reward of winning a heart for Jesus worth the risk and effort of getting out there and sharing? Absolutely. Fish will never be caught unless a net is cast, and people will never get saved unless we speak out.
But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? Romans 10:14 NKJV
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2. Don’t Worry About Rotten Fish
After a catch, the fishers would empty the nets and sift through the fish, throwing out the garbage or dead, rotten fish. Sometimes, along with fish, they caught rocks, kelp, mud, and random debris floating in the lake.
In the same way, sometimes you will share the gospel, pull in the net, and get bizarre responses.
Sometimes you will get a “no” and get rejected. Other times, people may mock you. You may also catch a genuine heart who wants Jesus, but they are unwilling to leave their old lifestyle of sin behind.
Jesus warned us that this will happen:
Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets but threw the bad away. This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 13:47-50 NIV
It was not the fishermen’s job to make sure every fish was good, and they did not take it personally if some went bad. It was only their job to make the cast.
Sift the good moments out from the bad, and don’t take the rejection personally.
3. Repair the Net
After Jesus called Peter and Andrew to come to follow him, he went further up the beach and found James and John, not casting their nets but mending them.
A little farther up the shore, he saw two other brothers, James and John, sitting in a boat with their father, Zebedee, repairing their nets. And he called them to come, too. Matthew 4:21
Nets wear out over time. Maybe it caught on a rock and tore, or perhaps their net broke under the weight of a load of fish. Regardless of what happened, constant use wore them down.
Fishers had to take time to mend the nets, repair them, and get them to a place to cast again. There was no shame in that. It was just another part of the job.
Often when you share the gospel, you will get caught on a rock. Maybe a coworker will shut you down, perhaps a family member will ridicule you, or maybe you will feel like you’ve shared a thousand times and are tired.
It’s OK to stop and take time to mend and repair.
Get filled up with Jesus, talk about your pain and hurts, share with a mentor, ask for prayer, and fix the net. There is no shame in this.
Whatever you do, though, don’t give up.
4. Cast Again
Even if they were rejected, Jesus was asking them to cast again.
The fishermen knew they would always have to cast again. A big catch tonight did not mean they stopped casting tomorrow. A failed attempt yesterday does not mean there are no fish around today. A torn net does not mean it is over.
We must always cast again.
Share the gospel again and choose to love people again. We cannot live today off yesterday’s fantastic experience or horrible failure.
Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. Lamentations 3:23 NLT
To be a fisherman did not require a specific degree, intellect, or personality type.
But it did require hard work, patience, and the ability to not give up even when the catch was empty.
The fisherman who did not give up would get better at fishing, and a catch would come eventually.
The only ones who didn’t catch fish were the ones who gave up. But, for those who didn’t, the reward was far greater than the effort it took to make the cast.
This is what it means to be a fisher of men.
You do not need to be from a specific culture, class, or educational background.
You do not need to be a particular personality type or rank in the church.
What you do need to be is willing to share the gospel with others, patiently working through rejection, mending your heart when hurt and going out and try to share again.
As someone who has cast the net of the gospel many times, I can tell you there will be some hardships, but when you see people fall in love with Jesus, the joy far exceeds the pain.
Let us pick up our nets and follow Jesus because, in the end, He is worthy.
What do you think? What are other ways that we can become “fishers of men,” and what does that mean?
Let us know below!
I often write articles for Christianity.com. One of their most popular questions is, “What does it mean to be a Fisher of Men?” I wrote a response article to help people understand what this means for us today. (Read the original article on Christianity.com here.)
I know Jesus loves all his children and I know he loves me. But is angry with me as I don’t listen as I’m afraid.
Hey Ann! Jesus loves you so much! And I know you might be afraid, but I promise you he is not angry at you! The Bible says it is his kindness that leads us to repent and change! Focus on his love and kindness for you, and it will make you bolder and less afraid of others! He is not angry with you, just like a parent is not angry at a child who is just scared. He wants to help you grow by loving you more!
I know Jesus loves all his children and I know he loves me. But is angry me.
I will take every chance casting the net. Even though there’s no good respond and never give up !
Amen Alan! Take every chance you can! You never know when you’ll get a chance, and at the minimum, you are always planting seeds! Way to go!
That was a fantastic read. Thank you!
In response to the question “What are other ways that we can become fishers of men?”:
The thought occured that every intention put into action is casting a net. The great commission, the great net, is sharing the truth and love of Jesus in the gospel. But there are many kinds of nets we cast, some good and some evil. If we are in line with the Holy Spirit, we are casting good nets.
Likewise, there are nets of the enemy that we do not want to be ensnared in. The kind of fish we are, or the state we are in, where we are at in our journey, plays a role in what nets we are caught in and when we are caught in them, both good and bad nets.
Hey Rebekah! Wow thank you so much! So good, love your insight. It is so true we are casting nets all the time, either good or bad!
I accepted Jesus 3 yrs ago. I came from hindu background. I cast net by showing my family how jesus changed me and my life. I am trying to live a life that glorifies Jesus.
One time I over heard my sister, she said “ hindu gods didnt help her but Jesus is helping her”
Wow, love this. What a Testimony!
Thank you! That is great to know! I appreciate your feedback!