Do you long to know God more and to make an eternal difference in this world for Jesus? With growing responsibilities, demands on your time, and pressures at home and work, it’s easier now more than ever to get distracted from your faith, and feel that you are not living out the radical Christian calling you so desire.
But you shouldn’t have to choose between being radical for Jesus and other responsibilities in your life. In fact, it is being radical for Jesus that will give you the strength and influence in every other area of your life! That is what I want to help you with.
Hi, I’m Taylor Jensen

I am a pastor, missionary, and world traveler. My passion is to help equip believers with practical ways to ignite their faith and bring Jesus into the world around them. That is the goal of this blog. My greatest desire is to grow God’s kingdom by helping you to live out the exciting Christian life you are uniquely called to.
The overwhelming question is, where to start?
Often I found that when I would go to church, a conference, or a missions trip, my heart would be ignited for Jesus! Waking up the next day, however, I would discover that I practically have no idea where to even start. I eventually found myself backsliding again, just praying and waiting for the next conference or missions trip to revitalize my faith again.
Isn’t there another way to live? Can we live on Fire?
I have lived on the other side of a fiery faith for over 10 years now, growing ever more in love with Jesus! I’ve been to over 20 nations, witnessed thousands come to Jesus, have lived a radical lifestyle, all while going to college, working full time, and living in the States. Learn more about my full testimony here
It is possible to stay permanently on fire for Jesus and be a world-changer for Him!
Welcome to Fireplace Faith
A fireplace is a structure designed with one purpose, to build and sustain a fire. It is literally, “The Place of Fire.” A fire with no place often burns bright, ignites everything around it, but then quickly burns out. Too often I have seen this in believers who are really on fire, but they have no place to sustain it. They receive the gospel with Joy, but because of the cares of the world around, get choked out and lose their fire, their zeal, or even their faith. Too many Christians speak of the “good old days,” when they remember burning with zeal for the Lord. But does being on fire have to be a distant memory of a time in your life? I believe they never had a structure to help build, fuel, and sustain their fire, and they burned out as quickly as they caught fire. It is heartbreaking.
A fireplace with no fire is just as heartbreaking! It is an empty place, a dead structure that has forgotten its purpose. The Mantle may look whitewashed and clean, but internally the fire is out. Too many Christians I love have let their faith become a dead religious structure, and have forgotten their first fiery love! They need their passion and fire to reignite again!
I am convinced that we do not need to choose one or the other.
We as Christians are meant to have a fire of God inside us that is sustained, burning ever brighter, bringing warmth and life to all who come near it our entire lives.
This is the sole purpose of this blog and even the content I produce on my social media account. I want to help other people ignite the fire of their faith and teach them how to impact the world around them.
I will provide weekly posts that will inspire your faith, give practical steps towards growth, and explain how to change this world for Jesus.
If you subscribe to my newsletter you will get these delivered to your inbox every single week.
Interested? Subscribe now!
Thanks so much for stopping by! I’d love to hear from you. You can always email me here
If you’re interested in learning more of my story, go to “My Story,” post, otherwise, go check out my First Post HERE!
Love you guys,
Taylor, I have been a solid Christian all my life. I have also been in the military all my adult life (USMC enlisted 1969-1975; US Army officer 1980-1996). I was in Vietnam twice. I was in Enduring Freedom (Grenada) and Desert Shield/Desert Storm). I have seen some heavy stuff. Whatever unit I’m in, the guys always called me Padre for religious matters, especially in combat. This where you and I differ about baptism. We both agree that baptism is not a “MUST” to be saved but I believe that neither are the words necessary. I cannot tell you how many Marines and Soldiers I feel have gone to heaven after I asked them if they believed. Even the most harden would look me in the eye as their soul departed and I knew if they believed. I think we are judged on the intent of our heart. Of course, we will never know until we get there.
God is merciful! Remember the thief on the cross who acknowledged Jesus and repented and went to Paradise, as Jesus said.
All those who call on the Name of Christ Jesus will be saved.